JINNdev on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jinndev/art/Super-Mario-Bros-HD-381924105JINNdev

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Super Mario Bros HD



"What if Super Mario Bros on the NES was'nt originally a hit? What if Mario did'nt evolve thru the years, becoming ever more popular, with his look becoming more and more refined and friendly? What if all we had to remind us was just the original sprites, no coverarts or official artwork. How would you remember him? A chubby and happy determined Italian Plumber or just some old-looking player wearing red overalls?

With that in mind, I came with this idea... How would look in an HD version of Super Mario Bros created today taking in consideration just the 1985 sprites? Well, that's how I think it would all look!"

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1044x1486px 1.85 MB
© 2013 - 2024 JINNdev
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hapiel's avatar
:star::star::star::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star-half::star-empty::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Impact

Ooh, this is awesome!

You have done such a fine job on the pixel work, the colors work perfectly and everything from backgrounds to cg effects to fonts works like clockwork together!

There are some minor things that I would have loved to see differently, the most notable is Mario's face.
Of course in the original pixel art there was no room for any expression, but I bet if Mario were HD he'd be showing some more emotion! Why not change the face slightly in the different poses, running / jumping looking more focussed than idle and a proud face at victory? This bothered me since watching this the first time.

Since you requested critique I have been looking if there are other things to nitpick on, one of them is the rock tile. Most of the tiles you selected repeat nicely, except for the rock floor tile. Why this choice? It seems a bit necessary, and the blocky shapes around it already guarantee the nostalgic look!

At last, the effects applied on the tiles look a bit 'cheap'. I can not tell what exactly it is, but in contrast with your superb pixel art it does not have the same quality. I do really dig the background images on the outside shots though!

My conclusion is that this is still ridiculously amazing, this is the best and most realistic looking mario HD mock up that I have ever seen!